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[18] Francis Fukuya power is waning because Washington won't stop quarreling,&ah10,2014.

[19] Sarah Binder,"Polarized we govern?"Washington,DC,Brookings Center for Effective Public,May2014,.

[20] Pew Research Center for the People and the Press,"Political polarization in the A public,"June12,2014.

[21] Henry Kissinger,"America at the apex,&a,Summer2001,.

[22] Hart-Teeter Poll for the Council of Excellence in Governed in the Washington Post,March24,1997.See also Seymour Martin Lipset and Williahe Confidence Gap(Baltiy Press,1987)and Jeffrey Jones,&a Remains Low,"Gallup,September18,2008.

[23] Harris Poll,1966-2011,&agress and Supreme Court drops to lowest level in manyyears,"May18,2011.

[24] Joseph S.Nye,Philip Zelikow,and David King,eds,Why People Don't Trust Government(Cay Press,1996).

[25] Department of the Treasury,Update on Reducing the Federal Tax Gap and Ipliance(Washington,DC:July8,2009)."Employformation Systeternal Revenue Service,October2013).

[26] The World Bank,Governance Matters2009:Worldwide Governance Indicators,1996-2008(Washington,DC:The World Bank,2009).

[27] Steven Holmes,"Defying forecasts,census response ends declining trend,"New York Times,September20,2000;Sam Roberts,"1in3As failed to return census forms,"New York Times,April17,2010.

[28] Robert Putnahe Collapse and Revival of Aunity(New York:Simon&Schuster,2000);see also Better Together:Restoring the Aunity(New York:Simon&Schuster,2003).

[29] "What's wrong in Washington,&aist,February29,2010,.

[30] David Fruy,"Foreign Affairs93/5,September/October2014,.

第六章 权力转移和全球化的复杂性


