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[1] Cullen Murphy,Are We Rome?The Fall of an Ee of Aew York:Mariner Books,2007).

[2] Paul Kennedy,The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers:Econohange and flict Among the Great Powers from1500to2000(New York:Random House,1987).

[3] Of course,there were many plex phenomenon.See Ramsay MacMullen,Corruption and the Decline of Roy Press,1988).

[4] See Nicholas Kristof,"We're not !We're not !"New York Times,April3,2014.

[5] "The jobs ist,April13,2013.

[6] Klaus Schwab and Xavier Sala-i-petitiveness Report2013-14(Davos:World Econo,2013).Niall Ferguson,"How America lost its way,"Wall Street Journal,June7,2013.

[7] Technically Recoverable Shale Oil and Shale Gas Resources:An Assessment of137Shale Forside the United States(Washington,DC:US Energy Information Agency,2013),.

[8] 2014Global R&abus:Batelle Memorial Institute,2014).

[9] US Patent Statistics Chart,Calendar Years1963-2013(Washington,DC:The United States Patent and Trademark Office).

[10] For a more opti savings,see Richard N.Cooper,"Global imbalances:Globalization,demography,and sustainability,&aic Perspectives22,Summer2008,.

[11] Niall Ferguson,"An empire at risk,"Newsweek,December7,2009,;and"A Greek crisis is ing to America,"Financial Times,February11,2010.See also,Francis Warnock,"How dangerous is US governhe risk of a sudden spike in US interest rates,&ail on Foreign Relations Report,June2010;available

[12] Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University,"Acadeking of the world universities-2009";available

[13] "Are higher and lower performing students making gains?"The Nation's Report Card(Washington,DC:National Center for Education Statistics,US Depart,2013);available

[14] Viktória Kis and Siime for the US to Reskill?What the Survey of Adult Skills Says(Washington,DC:Organization for Econoooperation and Development,2013),.

[15] Sam Dillon,"Many nations passing US in education,expert says,"New York Times,March10,2010.

[16] &ale,&aist,November26,2013.

[17] Eduardo Porter,"A relentless widening of disparity in wealth,"New York Times,March12,2014;"Class in America:ist,February1,2014;Lawrence Summers,"US inequality goes beyond dollars and cents,"Washington Post,June8,2014.