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[44] Ibid.

[45] Ibid.

[46] Buenos Aires Herald, 5 October 1913

[47] Buenos Aires Herald, 10 October 1913


[1] John Ruedy, Modern Algeria: The Origins and Development of a Nation, 2005

[2] L’Afrique fran&edil;aise, January 1913

[3] Jean-Jacques Jordi and Jean-Louis Planche, ‘1860–1930: une certaine idée de la construction de la France’, in Jean-Jacques Jordi and Jean-Louis Planche, Alger 1860–1939: Le modèle aial, 1999

[4] Jean-Jacques Jordi and Pierre Enckell, ‘Le temps des hiverneurs’, in op. cit., Jordi and Planche

[5] Gilbert Meynier, L’Algérie révélée: La guerre du 1914–1918 et le premier quart du XXe siècle, 1981

[6] Quoted in op. cit., Meynier

[7] Rachel Humphreys, Algiers, the Sahara and the Nile, 1913

[8] Ibid.

[9] Guides Joanne, Algérie et Tunisie, 1905

[10] Ibid.

[11] Op. cit., Humphreys

[12] Karl Baedeker, The s and Sea Routes, including ary Islands, the Coast of o, Algeria and Tunisia, 1911

[13] Quoted in Ursula Kingsmill Hart, Two Ladies of Colonial Algeria: The Lives and Times of Aurelie Picard and Isabelle Eberhardt, 1987

[14] Xavier Malverti, ‘Entre orientalisme et mouvement moderne’, in op. cit., Jordi and Planche

[15] Op. cit., Meynier

[16] Kirsty K. Riggs, ‘Bartok in the Desert: Challenges to a European Conducting Research in North Africa in the Early Twentieth Century’, Musical Quarterly, vol. 90, no. 1, 2007

[17] Quoted in op. cit., Meynier

[18] André Servier, Le Nationalise, en Tunisie, en Algérie: Le Péril de l’avenir, 1913

[19] Op. cit., Meynier

[20] Ibid.

[21] Ibid.

[22] Ibid.

[23] Op. cit., Ruedy

[24] Rosa Luxeumulation of Capital, 2003 (first published as Die Akkumulation des Kapitals in 1913)

[25] Chérif Benhabylès, L’Algérie fran&edil;aise vue par un indigène, 1914

[26] Belkacem Saadallah, ‘The Rise of the Algerian Elite, 1900–1914’, The Journal of Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, 1967

[27] Ahmed Koulakssis and Gilbert Meynier, L’Emir Khaled, Pre;e; algérienne et colonialisedil;ais, 1987

[28] Op. cit., Benhabylès

[29] Ibid.