首页 > 军事小说 > 1913,一战前的世界最新章节列表


[24] The Illustrated Souvenir of Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1905

[25] Ibid.

[26] Canada Newspaper Directory, 1913

[27] Alan F. G. Artibise, ‘Boosterism and the Development of Prairie Cities, 1871–1913’, in Alan Artibise, ed., Town and City: Aspects of Western Canadian Urban Development, 1981

[28] Photograph Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg

[29] Alan F. J. Artibise, ed., Gateway City: Docuy of Winnipeg, 1873–1913, 1979

[30] Op. cit., Artibise (1981)

[31] Quoted in op. cit., Artibise (1979)

[32] Manitoba Free Press, 20 May 1913

[33] Jim Blanchard, Winnipeg 1912, 2005

[34] Henry J. Boah Century Iada: Its History, People, Codustries and Resources, 1914

[35] Scalon’s Guide to Winnipeg, 1913

[36] The Canada Newspaper Directory, 1913

[37] Op. cit., Artibise (1979)

[38] Manitoba Free Press, 30 May 1913; J. ary of Manitoba Biography, 1999

[39] Manitoba Free Press, 31 May 1913

[40] Manitoba Free Press, 3 January 1913

[41] Graeme Davison, The Rise and Fall of Marvellous Melbourne, 1978

[42] Victorian Year Book 1913–1914, 1914

[43] Alex Hill, Round the British Empire, 1913

[44] Victorian Year Book 1913–1914, 1914

[45] Miles Lewis, ‘The Dome’, La Trobe Library Journal, no. 72, 2003

[46] 影片Marvellous Melbourne: Queen City of the 观看

[47] Op. cit., Hill

[48] The Argus, 29 April 1913

[49] Victorian Year Book 1913–1914, 1914

[50] The Argus, 13 December 1913; The Argus, 23 October 1913

[51] The Argus, 22 November 1913

[52] The Argus, 22 August 1913

[53] The Argus, 31 March 1913

[54] The Argus, 28 January 1913

[55] Geoffrey Blainey, A History of Victoria, 2006

[56] The Argus, 18 November 1913

[57] Edwin J. Brady, Australia Unlimited, 1910

[58] The Illustrated Souvenir of Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1905


[1] Reginald Lloyd, Twentieth century impressions of Argentina: Its history, people, codustries, and resources, 1910

[2] Op. cit., Platt

[3] Carlos F. Díaz Alejandro, Essays on the Economic History of the Argentine Republic, 1970

[4] Albert B. Martinez, Baedeker de la République argentine, 1913