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[7] International ary Fund,World Economic Outlook Database,April2012(Washington,DC:IMF,2013).

[8] Jim O'Neill and Alessio Terzi,&aging trade patterns,unchanging European and global governance,"Brussels,Bruegel Working Paper,February2014,.

[9] See Peter Zeihan,The Aidental Superpower:The Next Generation of A Pre-eing Global Disorder(New York:Hachette,2014).

[10] Jonathan Kirshner,Aer the Financial Crisis(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,2014),.

[11] Michael Mandelbaum,The Case for Goliath(New York:Public Affairs,2005),.

[12] Robert O.Keohane and Joseph S.Nye,&aralization and fragmentation:The club model of multilateral cooperation and proble legitimacy,"John F.Kennedy School of Governy,Faculty Research Working Paper Series,RWP01-004(February2001).

[13] See J.S.Nye,"Maintaining the non-proliferation regiional Organization,Winter1981,-38.

[14] "Market value of the largest inter panies worldwide as of May2013,"Statista;available value-of-the-largest-inter-panies-worldwide/.Note:Yahoo and Yahoo-Japan have been treated as one entity for the purposes of pany rankings.

[15] Jonathan Zittrain,"No Barack Obatrol of the inter over to China,"The New Republic224,March24,2014.

[16] Richard J.Danzig,Surviving on a Diet of Poisoned Fruit:Reducing the National Security Risks of America's Cyber Dependencies(Washington,DC:Center for New Ay,2014),.

[17] Moises Naim,The End of Power(New York:Basic Books,2013),.

[18] Quoted in Nathan Gardels,&aer the end of power,"New Perspectives Quarterly,Summer2013,.

[19] David Brooks,"The leaderless doctrine,"New York Times,March14,2014.

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