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1.Andrew Benjahe Problems of Modernity:Adorno and Benjamin.London and New York:Routledge,1989.

2.Andrew Benjaer Osborne,ed.,Walter Benjamin's Philosophy:Destruction and Experience.London and New York:Routledge,1994.

3.Norbert Bolz and Willem van Reijen,Walter Benjamin.trans.by Laimdota Mazzarins.New Jersey:Humanities Press,1991.

4.Terry Ea<a href=https:///gl/ target=_blank>gl</a>eton,Walter Benjamin or Towards a Revolutionary Griticism.London:Verso Editions and NLB,1981.

5.Susan A.Handelman,Fragments of Redemption:Jewish Thought and Literary Theory in Benjamin,Scholey Press,1991.

6.Fredric Jameson,y Press,1971.

7.John ole,Walter Benjaell University Press,1993.

8.Jeffrey Mehlman,Walter Benjamin for Children:An Essay on His Radio Years.The University of Chicago Press,1993.

9.Julian Roberts,Walter Benja Press,1982.

10.Gershom Scholeory of a Friendship.trans.by Harry Zohn.The Jewish Publication Society of America Philadelphia,1981.

11.Gary Smith,ed.,On Walter Benjaal Essays and Recollections. Press,Cambridge,1988.

12.Gary Smith,ed.,Walter Benjamin:Philosophy,History,Aesthetics.The University of Chicago Press,1989.

13.Bernd Witte,Walter Benjaual Biography.trans.by Ja:Wayne State University Press,1991.

14.Richard Wolin,Walter Benjaic of Redey of Califonia Press,1994.