首页 > 军事小说 > 1913,一战前的世界最新章节列表

[30] Quoted in David John Lu, Japan: A Documentary History, two volumes, 1997, vol. 2

[31] Okakura Kakuzo, The Ideals of the East, 1903

[32] Rustom Bharucha, Another Asia: Rabindranath Tagore and Okakura Tenshin, 2006

[33] Africa Times and Orient Review, February 1913

[34] Op. cit., Jarman (2002), vol. 1: Political Reports, 1906–1922

[35] Op. cit., Wilson papers, 19 May 1913

[36] The Japan Times, 17 April 1913

[37] Marilyn Lake and Henry Reynolds, Drawing the Global Colour Line: White ernational Challenge of Racial Equality, 2008

[38] Ibid.

[39] Japan Weekly Chronicle, quoted in Africa Times and Orient Review, June 1913

[40] The Japan Times, 13 April 1913

[41] Los Angeles Times, 21 April 1913

[42] William Elliot Griffis, The Japanese Nation in Evolution: Steps in the Progress of a Great People, 1907; William Elliot Griffis, ‘Japan and the United States: Are the Japanese Mongolian?’, North A Review, vol. 197, no. 691, June 1913

[43] The Japan Times, 5 September 1913

[44] Ibid.

[45] The Japan Times, 6 September 1913

[46] The Japan Times, 7 September 1913

[47] The Japan Times, 9 September 1913

[48] The Japan Times, 11 September 1913

[49] Op. cit., Ozaki

[50] The Japan Times, 12 October 1913

[51] The New York Times, 20 November 1913


[1] The Evening Standard, 2 January 2 1913

[2] Ronald Hyam, ‘The British Empire in the Edwardian Era’, in Judith M. Brown and Wm. Roger Louis, eds., in The Oxford History of the British Eh Century, 1999

[3] James Louis Garvin, ‘The pire: A Study in the Economics of Power’, The Eury: A Series of Essays on Imperial Problems and Possibilities by Various Writers, 1905

[4] Aaron L. Friedberg, The Weary Titan: Britain and the Experience of Relative Decline, 1895–1905, 1988

[5] J. A. Hobson, Imperialism: A Study, 1902

[6] Simon J. Potter, ‘Richard Jebb, John S. Ewart and the Round Table, 1898–1926’, English Historical Review, vol. CXXII, no. 495, 2007; John E. Kendle, The Round Table Movement and Imperial Union, 1975

[7] Richard Jebb, Studies in Colonial Nationalism, 1905

[8] Op. cit., Friedberg

[9] Richard Jebb, The Britannic Question: A Survey of Alternatives, 1913

[10] Elie Halévy, L’Angleterre et son Empire, 1905

[11] Anon., The Decline and Fall of the British Eount of those causes which resulted in the destruction of our late Ally, together with a coish and Roman Empires, 1905

[12] Deirdre , ‘Ireland and the Eh, 1900–1948’, in op. cit., Brown and Roger Louis

[13] Jeremy Smith, ‘Bluff, Bluster and Brinkmanship: Andrew Bonar Law and the Third Home Rule Bill’, The Historical Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, 1993