首页 > 军事小说 > 1913,一战前的世界最新章节列表


[1] Hansard, 28 July 1913

[2] R. Jarman, ed., Iran: Political Diaries, 1881–1965, vol. 3, 1997, May 12 1913

[3] Op. cit., Jarman (1997), July 8 1913

[4] Dorothy de Warzée, Peeps into Persia, 1913

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid.

[7] George Nathaniel Curzon, Persia and the Persian Question, 1892

[8] Military Handbooks of Arabia, 1913–1917, vol. 1: Strategical Study of Persia and the Persia Gulf, 1913, 1998

[9] Ervand Abrahamian, A History of Modern Iran, 2008

[10] Taj al-Saltanah, Crowning Anguish: Memoirs of a Persian Princess from the Harem to Modernity, 1884–1936, Abbas Arans. Anna Vanzan and Ai, 1993

[11] Colliers, 2 August 1913

[12] Ibid.

[13] W. Morgan Shuster, The Strangling of Persia: Story of the European Diplod Oriental Intrigue at Resulted in the Denationalization of Twelve Million Mohammadans, A Personal Narrative, 1912

[14] Op. cit., Curzon

[15] Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet, Frontier Fictions: Shaping the Iranian Nation, 1804–1946, 2000

[16] Michael Axworthy, Iran: Empire of the Mind: A History from Zoroaster to the Present Day, 2008

[17] Quoted in op. cit., Kashani-Sabet

[18] Ibid.

[19] Op. cit., Shuster

[20] Percy Sykes, A History of Persia, vol. 2, 1930

[21] Ibid.

[22] Op. cit., Jarman (1997), 23 December 1913

[23] , Moguls and Mandarins: Oil, Imperialism and the Middle East in British Foreign Policy, 1900–1940, 1993

[24] The Economist, 26 July 1913

[25] Hansard, 17 July 1913

[26] Denis Wright, The Persians Amongst the English: Episodes in Anglo-Persian History, 1985; Ronald W. Ferrier, The History of the British Petroleupany, 1982


[1] Israel State Archives, (ISA), Gersular note, 443/7, December 1913

[2] Roberto Mazza, Jerusalem: From the Ottomans to the British, 2009

[3] Ibid.

[4] Simon Sebag Montefiore, Jerusalem: The Biography, 2011

[5] Quoted in ‘Selma Ekrem – Jerusalem 1908: In the Household of the Ottoman Governor’, Jerusalem Quarterly 50, 2012 (extracts taken from Selma Ekrem’s memoirs printed in Turkey in 1931)

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Salim Tamari, ‘Jerusaley: The Times and Lives of Wasif Jawariyyeh’, Jerusalem Quarterly 9, 2000

[9] Wasif Jawhariyyeh, Al Quds Al Othaminyah Fi Al Mutbakrat Al Jawharriyeh, Issam Nassar and Salim Tamari, eds., 2001

[10] Salim Tamari, ‘The Vagabond Café and Jerusalem’s Prince of Idleness’, Jerusalem Quarterly 19, 2003